Ross Macleod JP

I have lived in Geraldine for the last seven years having retired from my own business in the Hospitality Industry in Christchurch and established a new home with my wife Lynley in Geraldine.

I was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1998 and have served on District Court duties during my time in Christchurch as a Search and Surveillance Officer, and currently President of the South Canterbury Justice of the Peace Association. In the past I have served on many Community Trusts and committees.

My professional background is in all facets of Property Management where I was Southern Regional Property Manager of a large civil corporate company in Dunedin.

As a member of the GLT I have assumed the role of managing Property Portfolio, taking care of the GLT properties here in Geraldine. This is a role I enjoy immensely.

I must say ‘Geraldine is a perfect place to live, but don’t tell everyone’.