Geraldine District Projects Trust
The Geraldine District Projects Trust assists and promotes other charitable organisations and projects operating within and for the benefit of the Geraldine community. In particular, it supports groups and projects that do not have formal legal status and need an umbrella organisation through which to apply for funding and to hold funds granted.
Formed in 2004, the Trust’s members are appointees of the Timaru District Council, Seniorcare Geraldine, the Geraldine Lions Club, and Geraldine High School.
Since inception, the Geraldine District Projects Trust has supported a wide variety of organisations and projects. Examples are the feasibility testing stages of the Geraldine Combined Sports Geraldine Domain redevelopment project, the one-off Geraldine Downs defibrillator purchase and installation, and an upper Waihi River restoration group.
Present Trustees are:
* Janene Adams
* Stuart Blake
* Simon Coleman
* Jan Finlayson (chair)
* David Mackenzie
To find out if the Trust can support your project, email or call 021 502297 in the first instance.
Click here for the Trust Deed.
Click here for the Trust’s 2021/2022 Annual Return Summary.