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Orari Gorge Station Geraldine
Orari Gorge Station Geraldine
Orari Gorge Station Geraldine
Orari Gorge Station Geraldine
Orari Gorge Station Geraldine

Orari Gorge Station Ltd

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Orari Gorge Station is set in the South Canterbury foothills just north of Geraldine. It consists of river flats at 750ft above sea level, rolling clay downs at 1000-1500ft and tussock country rising up to 3,500ft.

As well as the Orari Gorge Romneys and Orari Gorge Herefords we also run 7000 commercial ewes, 400 commercial cows and 1500 hinds.

We breed stock that are capable of looking after themselves through tough winters on the hill and then giving high levels of production in terms of lambing and calving. We finish almost all the progeny on the farm, and any stock that are sold store are usually well sought after.

Our historic gardens and buildings take tours by appointment.  See here for information on gardens and homesteads around the Geraldine area.


Tripp Settlement Road, Orari Bridge, New Zealand

Contact Information

Tripp Settlement Road, Orari Bridge, New Zealand
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