Click here for a summary of the report. Click here to see the report in full.
Background: During 2016 and 2017 the Geraldine Combined Sports Association (GCS) used the opportunity of a proposed South Canterbury-wide Sport and Recreation Facilities study to conduct a self-review of the facilities currently available to the residents of the Geraldine district.
The original aim was to ensure that Geraldine’s unique voice and views would be properly represented to the District-wide review team. Following a public meeting, more than 40 submissions were received by GCS detailing the current and future needs and wants of clubs, groups, individuals, businesses and schools.
This data was analysed by GCS and discussed in depth at a second community meeting held in May 2017. The overwhelming message from this process was that Geraldine had two key needs;
- A multi-purpose, multi-use community hub that caters for a wide range of community uses, located at the Geraldine Domain
- A multi-purpose all weather artificial surface suitable for a range of sport and recreation activities
Further, the community expressed the strong desire that Geraldine, as a whole, should take ownership and progress the concepts into solid plans itself.
Feasibility Study: From this point GCS engaged with key members of the business and local community to hold frank discussions and ascertain their views about the proposed needs. The response was supportive and it was agreed that the next stage was to commission an independent and robust feasibility study to ascertain the viability of the above identified needs.
GCS formed a Project Liaison Group (PLG) including representatives from GCS, Geraldine Community Board,, Sport Canterbury and local business representatives. This group privately raised sponsorship from the local community to engage consultancy Global Leisure Group (GLG) to undertake the feasibility study.
The Feasibility Study commenced in December 2017 and completed in September 2018. In brief, the study found there is support for the two needs identified by GCS as outline above. A number of key recommendations were made regarding both concepts. A period of community consultation followed, and the GCS then formally adopted the report.
A Project is Born: It was agreed that the multi-purpose turf was the highest priority of the recommendations made and a project group was formed. From there a volunteer project manager was appointed plans and renders created and resource consents approved. In parallel, the project consulted with domain users and stakeholders.
The many clubs that use the domain met with GCS and went through the process of working through all aspects to ensure that the resulting installation would bring the greatest benefit to all.
The project included installation of:
- A floodlit all-weather multi-sport artificial turf surface overlaid on 4 of the existing 6 courts to cater for a wider range of sporting and recreational users and uses
- Floodlights for Football playing fields
- Cricket practice nets
- A network of lit pathways alongside vegetation enhancements to integrate the various facilities and provide improved sight lines and safer routes between the Domains various facilities
- More prominent and welcoming signage at all entrances to improve the functionality and feel of the Domain
- Improved car parking provisions and lighting, to improve accessible and safety particularly for evening use
- Improved storage facilities for key sport and recreation hub users
- Landscaping around the area
Through this development the Geraldine community will be able to enjoy accessible, affordable, and sustainable fit-for-purpose facilities well into the future. Click here to see the visual concept.
With the support of the Timaru District Council, as the landowner, 2019 ended with memorandums of understanding being agreed between the GCS and each club to formalise the relationship as the project moved forward. The next stage was fundraising and the project group raised more than $1.1 m for the project, including $100,000 withing a four-week period during a community campaign. Amjr supporters included:
- Community Trust of Mid and South Canterbury
- Lotteries Community Facilities Fund
- Timaru District Council Stimulus Fund
- Trust Aoraki
- Aotearoa Gaming Trust
- Geraldine private donors
- Geraldine Licensing Trust
- Thomas Hobson Trust
- Geraldine Licensing Trust
- Geraldine Community Board
- Alpine Energy
- Geraldine Lions Club
As of mid 2022 the project is nearing completion and will soon be ready for the community to enjoy.