The Geraldine Community Resource Centre aims to provide for the social needs of people living in the wider Geraldine district. We support our community in a variety of ways, such as:
Resource Centre Staff and Volunteers
Geraldine Community Resource Centre is governed and operated by an independent, locally-based, charitable trust. Our trustees are: Mark Hayward (Chairperson), Richard Taylor, Kaye Kerr, Joe Sharp, Allan Garnett and Linda Polson.
A brief history
The Geraldine Community Resource Centre was established in 2007 for the purpose of meeting the diverse needs of all people living in the Geraldine community by providing access locally to essential information and services.
We are governed by an independent charitable trust so we are able to tailor our services to effectively meet current local needs. We have done this very successfully so demand for our services has grown exponentially from an average of 122 clients accessing our services per month in 2008/9, to an average of 800 clients per month at present. Similarly the range of service providers has also increased markedly over this period.
Our funding
Geraldine Community Resource Centre is a locally-based, independent, organisation that does not receive any regular income from government or council sources. Approximately 25% of our annual income is generated from room rentals and we are fortunate to receive ongoing funding from our main sponsor, Geraldine Licensing Trust.
On a day-to-day basis we will do our best to answer your queries and offer services that meet your needs. Our staff and volunteers are; back row (L-R) volunteers: Jan Oliver, Kaye Kerr, Shirley Lindroos, front row ( L – R) Manager – Lynley Macleod, Office Administrator – Lyn Scott.