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Bike Geraldine

Bike Geraldine

Bike Geraldine Inc. formed in 2016 and incorporated as a society in 2017, as a result of a merger between two key groups operating independently in Geraldine for some time.

The first group, a sub-committee of the Geraldine Lions Club, evolved into the Geraldine MTB club in 2013, had been creating and maintaining cycling/walking trails along the Orari River bank (see appendix 1) since 2006.  The group had created a strong partnership with both Environment Canterbury and the Timaru District council to achieve an impressive network of trails on a very low budget.

The second group was initiated by the Timaru District Council to include local cycling enthusiasts to support the development of cycle trails in the Riddell’s Reserve and Peka Peka Gully areas (see appendix 2 for trail maps).

Coming together in 2016, Bike Geraldine was formed to recognise the local interest in cycling (both on and off-road) and to create a single community group that would work towards developing Geraldine into a cycling destination, in response to recommendations outlined in the Visitor Marketing Strategy 2014 commission by the Geraldine Community Board.

The aims of Bike Geraldine are:

(a) To plan develop and construct new tracks for cycling, walking and running

(b) To promote and represent the interests of all bikers in the Geraldine area

(c) To maintain all existing tracks for recreation and competitive sport

(d) To plan, promote and organise events including fund raising opportunities

Along with elected members from the community Bike Geraldine has appointed representatives from the Geraldine Community Board, Geraldine Combined Sports association, Geraldine Lions and Go Geraldine on the governance committee, demonstrating the importance of this project to the Geraldine community.  Please refer to appendices 4 and 5 for letters of support from these organisations.

Bike Geraldine, as an organisation, is absolutely passionate about developing Geraldine into a thriving cycling hub where leisure and serious cyclists are equally catered for through a variety of trails that interconnect and are easily accessible from town, where families can bring small children to feel the thrill of the wind in their hair and where the elderly are also able to experience the delight of fresh air in a novel way (see

Geraldine boasts a vibrant cycling community with both on and off road enthusiasts, demonstrated in the number of regular users of the Orari River trails, local entrants in the annual Lions Multi Challenge, weekly cycling groups and South Canterbury Charity Bike Ride entrants.  Bike Geraldine itself enjoys a healthy number of volunteers both for the committee and working bees to maintain the tracks.

For more details contact Alan Kelly.


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