Members receive a free listing in our online services directory on the website ( Members are also included in our members list that is distributed to all new and current members to encourage members to do business with other members.
We CONSENT to information from this form being published on the website and into membership materials
To have your business listed in our online services directory please email the following details to
This information will be uploaded within 1 working week to the website. If your business does not have its own website, you may wish to consider purchasing a one- page site which can be accessed via the website. This will give you a cost-effective online presence providing potential customers more information about your business.
Your membership with Geraldine.NZ is now managed through our online portal. With this, you will be able to maintain and update your business listing within the Geraldine.NZ website, update your details, renew your membership, or upgrade your membership.
Upon registration, you will receive an email confirming your account. Simply click the link provided to confirm your account.
Once your account is setup, our admin team will need to link your account to your existing business listing, so you will not be able to edit it straight away. You will receive a confirmation email once it has been linked.